Sunday, July 2, 2017

Seoul 2017 Tips: How much stuff OUGHT TO COST

Over the whole trip, I was a bit more careful in my spending and bought a lot more stuff on the last few days after I 'tested' the market. I do not guarantee to know everything but here are some tips I want to share!

  1.  Go where the locals go. If you notice locals are refusing to buy socks for 1,500 won, it is probably because the market rate is lower (at 1,000 won, sometimes even 900 won or 550 won!)
  2. Steals are found at GOTO MALL at the Express Bus Terminal station. There, I found so many shirts selling for 5,000 won or 10,000 won. The EXACT SAME SHIRT I then found in Hongdae was sold at a 5,000 won mark up (coz... I stay at hongdae remember? :) I went to goto mall on day 2. #worthit
  3. Not everything is worth it, just because it is 'cheaper' than in Singapore. Is 50cents off a packet of honey butter chips really worth that precious space in your luggage, or the price of sending it back to SG in a carton box? No. Not to me. 
  4. LOOK OUT FOR SALES. Some places like watsons and olive young sell the exact item for cheaper. My Clio Conceal Cover Cushion was sold at 32,000 won without discount at the official clio store, but only 22,400 won at olive young. That's A LOT of money saved hor. Can buy 2 shirts leh. 

And here below are what I think (as a tourist) are market rates for items

  • Face Masks = ONE FOR ONES. I.E 20 masks for 10,000 won or less 
  • Bags = 10,000 won at those stores that sell all their bags for 10,000 won
  • KPOP albums = the prices at myeongdong's underground shopping centre. BTS's album at myeongdong (16,400 won) vs same album at airport (49,000 won... LIKE WHAT HOW?!)
  • Shirts = 5,000/10,000 won. Goto mall is the best place to see the market and gives you a good estimate of what something should cost elsewhere. 
  • Socks = maximum 1,000 won
  • Phone cases = ermz... REALLY EXPENSIVE at some places. Just compare to what you would pay normally... is 30sgd too ex for you? It certainly was for me
  • Make Up = too wide range, must walk around and do your research!

Last piece of advice... think carefully if you would pay the same price for the item in Singapore. Korea's standard of living is NOT LOW and although cosmetics are very affordable due to the high level of competition, it is NOT the same for all products and services.

For example, I had to stop in my tracks as I considered buying hair dye. April Skin's new Colour Cream was a new product introduced to me at 11,000 won. While it is indeed affordable, I was actually leaning towards the brown colour because I don't want the other colours (already bought other hair dye for funky red and purple and blue and pink). Then I realised... I would prefer to use Liese's hair dye which I can get in SG anyway. Cheaper and a more familiar product.

Image result for april skin colour cream
Or when I saw a hair-tie (rubberband) that was really pretty but sold for 5,900 won. That's like... 7 SGD? Mai la mai laaaa.

Or a phone case that they were selling... but for 25,000 won? mai la mai la I no money to pay 30 sgd for a phone case please. I will go broke onez.